Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Trivia: American Four-Wheel Grand Prix Champions

Note: cheating is allowed.  Google as much as you like.  But the winner is the person who guessed best without checking.  You know who you are.

1) Name the two Americans who won the World Driving Championship.
2) What years?
3) Name the marque each one won with.
4) Name the grisly circumstance and location of our winners' clinching victory.

Extra Credit:
1) Name the chassis in addition to the marque (e.g., MP4 besides being a McLaren).
2) Why can't the U.S. get an American into a competitive GP ride?
3) Should we care?
4) Name three non-championship GP drivers from the US.

BIKER CHALLENGE: Write your own Moto GP questions and make Pilote look up the answers.

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